7 Day Itinerary for Coastal Birding with One Night a Tendaba

This itinerary has been designed for those who wish primarily to stay in coastal hotels and travel to sites that are accessible in a day trip. I have identified a number of well known birding locations which will give you access to a large species list. In addition we will visit other sites, that I have not named , which I have identified through my own research where birds more commonly seen farther inland may often be found.

Day 1 :

Koutu sewage ponds. Lunch at Sailors restaurant. Afternoon birding in the Cape Point area. Greater Painted Snipe, African Spoonbill, Lizard Buzzard, White-faced Whistling Duck, Sacred Ibis and sunbirds.

Day 2 :

Abuko Nature Reserve. Lunch at Lamin Lodge. Afternoon birding in Ousman’s woods. Ahanta Francolin, Western Bluebill, Green and Violet Turaco, Buff-spotted Woodpecker, Green Hylia, Red-bellied, African and Hybrid Flycatchers, Giant Kingfisher.

Day 3 :

Drive via South bank, to Tendaba, with pack lunch on board. Stops at Bulock forest, Kampant raptor bridge and Tendaba airfield. Dinner and overnight, Tendaba camp. African Hawk Eagle, Black-faced Firefinch, Long-crested Eagle, Grasshopper Buzzard, Senegal Batis, Green Pigeon, orioles and warblers.

Day 4 :

After breakfast a boat trip in the species rich Tendaba creek for birds like Pel’s Fishing Owl, White-backed Night Heron, Goliath Heron and African Scops Owl. Drive through Kiang West National Park with a packed lunch on board towards the coast with stops on the way, for raptors such as Bataleur, Martial Eagle and Grasshopper Buzzard.

Day 5 :

Brufut woods. Lunch at Paradise Beach bar. Afternoon birding in Tanjeh bird reserve. Verreaux’s Eagle Owl, White-faced Scops Owl, Yellowbill Coucal, Long-tailed Nightjar.

Day 6 :

Drive to Pirang shrimp farm with a packed lunch on board. Black Crowned Crane, White and Pink-backed Pelican, African and Eurasian Spoonbill and storks. Afternoon birding in Pirang forest and woods for Wood Owl, African Goshawk, Brown-necked Parrot and Verreaux’s Eagle Owl.

Day 7 :

Drive to Sallah Forest. Lunch at Marakissa River camp. Afternoon birding in the Karakissa area. Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, Tawny Eagle, Plain-backed Pipit, White-faced Owl, flycatchers, honeyguides, orioles and warblers.

Sample Itineraries for Bird Watching in the Gambia

For further information on the bird watching tours in Gambia that I can provide please contact me.